To get access to the Retail3000 API environment, it's required to develop and test on our test environment. We have several test environments available, and it depens on the customer on which environment we will give access to. Please contact us at to get access.
As soon as the Retail3000 API URL is available, it's technically possible to communicate with Retail3000. There's only one thing which our end-user have to do, they will have to create a 'system' type account within RetailVista. System type accounts are accounts used for 'digital' communication: your can't login on the RetailVista website with these kinds of accounts, but these accounts will give you full access to the Retail3000 environment. A big adavantage of a 'system' account is that will never expire, a opposite of regular user accounts. If you also need 'regular' user login, ask the RetailVista end-user to create a regular account as well. To emphasize, NedFox will not create user accounts, the whole user account manager is up to our end-users.
Every RetailVista user has received a companynumber and storenumber from NedFox. So beside the username and password, it's required to get the companynumber and storenumber to use.
When a system account get's available, it can be used to create a Retail3000AuthenticateToken. That token needs to be sent on every webservice request to Retail3000, as a Soap Header. Our systems are completely stateless, so it's a requirement to send it on *every* request.
Beside the Retail3000AuthenticateToken in the Soap Header, it's also required to sent an ApiToken. This token is used by our systems together with the IP address to detect if access can be granted. All traffic is logged and as soon as an integration has abnormal behavior, we can temporary revoke access on specific applicatio tokens, untill the problem has been resolved. At this moment, tokens are created by NedFox. In the future, each application integration needs to be registered in our support website. As a response of the registration, an application token GUID will be returned which can be used in the request header section.